Personal Savings12
- $50 minimum to open account
- Online Banking - No Charge
- VoiceMaster - No Charge
- ATM Card (Upon Approval)
- Quarterly eStatements or Imaged Statements
- Limited to six (6) withdrawals or transfers per month
- Includes: pre-authorized or automatic transfers, by telephone (including data transmission) agreement, order or instruction; or by check, draft, debit card or similar order (including POS transactions), made by the depositor and payable to third parties. - Withdrawals in excess of the above limitations will be: - $1.00 per occurrence
- Transfers and withdrawals made in person by messenger, by mail or at an ATM are unlimited.
Christmas Club
Plan ahead for Christmas expenses by saving year-round with a Citizens Savings Bank Christmas Club!
- $5 minimum to open account
- Online Banking - No Charge
- VoiceMaster - No Charge
- Quarterly eStatements or Imaged Statements
- Penalty if account closed prior to maturity – $5
- Penalty for any withdrawal prior to maturity – $5 per withdrawal
1 Accounts with no customer initiated activity for three (3) years will become Dormant
2 Inactive savings accounts with a balance below $10.00 for a period of six (6) months or longer, with no customer initiated activity, will be assessed a fee to close the account.
*See the Deposit Agreement or Truth in Savings Disclosure for further account details